Not just a Political Action Committee, the Maryland Architects PAC Protects Architects Careers.
Founded in 1995, the Maryland Architects PAC works hand-in-hand with AIA Maryland to achieve its legislative goals. The PAC enables member architects to more fully participate in electing and re-electing legislators who understand and support our profession, our livelihood and our issues. We offer heartfelt thanks to the individuals and organizations that provide direct financial support to the PAC. Their dollars give us a “voice” in promoting the interests of all Maryland architects thereby improving the practice of architecture within the State of Maryland. Without this support, the PAC’s successful activities would not have been possible.
Support the Maryland Architects PAC
Your help is needed to give architects a strong voice in the Maryland General Assembly. Every donation – large or small – does make a difference. Please contribute to your profession NOW.
Mail your check to:
86 Maryland Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Thank you in advance for your support!
Everything You Need to Know about Maryland Architects PAC
The role of AIA Maryland and your Political Action Committee is to protect and advance the profession of architecture in Maryland. Laws passed in Annapolis can enhance or impair the way we do business in dramatic ways; these two organizations represent your influence in the law-making process.
Special interest groups continually approach Maryland legislators, and those legislators’ opinions are often influenced by the strongest voice. For architects, this is done through relationship-building events at the AIA Maryland Chapter House, attending fundraisers, direct contributions, and through other special events. Contributions and tickets to fundraisers are expensive – from $200 to $1,000 per ticket or direct contribution. We often send one to two representatives to key events.
Each year we carefully track bills that we may need to either support or try to defeat. Some potentially troublesome bills have been building momentum over the past several years. A few of these, if passed, will negatively change the way architecture is practiced in the State, affecting all architects and architectural firms, large and small.
We need your support now, not later! This is your chance to determine how much of an impact we will have. When fund raising activities are in full swing, Maryland Architects must be represented at as many functions as possible.
Your financial contribution at this time is crucial. Simple math using the numbers above tells that we spend a lot of money through the PAC each year, and it needs to be replaced. We do not receive any funds from AIA National, and there is a very low cap on the amount the Maryland chapters can provide. Additionally, there is not a set-aside from local or state dues. It is therefore imperative that all our members directly contribute, to enable us to advocate effectively on your behalf.
Please join in this spirit by taking a moment today to donate online or mail your contribution. With a current membership of over 1,900, a small contribution of just $25 from each member would go a long way and is greatly appreciated – no contribution is too small.
Please don’t delay in contributing so that we can continue with this important mission. Credit card payments may be made through PayPal (no account required) using the pay button on this page. Supporting legislators who support architects is the responsibility of our PAC. Its effectiveness depends upon YOU. Please don’t wait, send your contribution today.
As always, we thank you for your support!
Make your checks payable to Maryland Architects PAC and mail to:
The Maryland Architects PAC
c/o AIA Maryland
86 Maryland Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Maryland Architects PAC Treasurer: Barbara Sweeney
Image credits